Bollywood's beloved actress, Kriti Sanon, is currently basking in the joy of a dreamy vacation with her close-knit girl gang, including sister Nupur Sanon and fashion stylist Sukriti Grover. The talented star, known for her stunning looks and acting prowess, is all set to turn 33 tomorrow, and the excitement among her fans is palpable. However, it seems that the actress might have an extra special surprise in store for her followers, as her latest social media post hints at the launch of her very own skincare line.
Kriti Sanon set to launch skincare line on her 33rd birthday? Here’s what we knowOn Wednesday, Kriti took to her Instagram account and shared an intriguing video that has sent her fans into a frenzy. In the video, Kriti gazes at the camera with a beaming smile, and as the clip nears its end, a prominent letter "H" appears on the screen alongside the text "coming soon." Accompanying the video, Kriti wrote a cryptic caption, “I’m gonna be sharing my birthday with someone special! I’ve kept this secret from you guys for too long! It’s been a year and I can’t wait for you all to see what I’ve been working on. Any Guesses?? #StayTuned P.S. the hint is in the caption of my last 2 posts.”
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Soon after she shared the post, fans dropped their guesses in the comments section. A user wrote, “I think something ur own natural beauty products company or like tht , whatever it will but surely damn worthed,” while another comment read, “It's gonna be your skincare brand.”
Curiously, her previous post featured pictures of her au naturel beauty, donning a bathrobe with her damp hair and a glowing, makeup-free face. In the accompanying caption, Kriti wrote, “Sunkissed - Hydrated – Happy Fresh out of shower, sitting in the sunlight- besttttt feeling.”
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Earlier, Kriti had also confessed to a magazine about her obsession with skincare videos and how she fell in love with skincare regimens. In the cover story of Harper Bazaar April 2023 edition, when Kriti Sanon was asked if she ever wondered on taking her love for skincare to the next level by launching her own brand, Kriti dropped a hint saying, “I can't reveal much, but all I can tell you is that it's there in my journal.”
On the film front, Kriti was last seen in Om Raut directorial Adipurush. Produced by T-Series, Bhushan Kumar & Krishan Kumar, Om Raut, Prasad Sutar, and Rajesh Nair of Retrophiles, it was released worldwide on June 16, 2023. The actress will be next seen in Ganapath with Tiger Shroff, The Crew alongside Kareena Kapoor Khan and Tabu, and an untitled next with Shahid Kapoor, which is set to release on December 7. There have also been reports about the yet-untitled film that will see Kriti as a robot and Shahid as a scientist, who falls in love with the former. Dharmendra is also part of the project.
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