The 'Jalebi Baby' track has created havoc on the internet. From popular digital creators to our favourite celebrities, everybody has been making some amazing trending reels on the viral track. Keeping up with this trend, Kasautii Zindagi stars Parth Samthaan and Aamna Shariff took to their Instagram and shared a steaming hot video. Parth and Aamna share a really great bond and are often seen hanging out together and coming together on social media.
Kasautii Zindagi Kay stars Parth Samthaan and Aamna Shariff slay ‘Jalebi Baby’ challenge with real jalebisIn the video, they were seen having a great time in the swimming pool along with their other friends. Aamna wore a bright orange monokini, while Parth was shirtless and wore swim shorts. The camera was placed at one end of the pool and each of them came near it turn by turn and ate the actual jalebis. Seemed like all of them were really enjoying the delicious Indian dessert.
Sharing the video Aamna wrote, "Our love for jalebis ”. While Parth also shared the same reel video and captioned it as “Jalebi mode on”.
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