Kajol, who tied the knot with Ajay Devgn about 24 years ago, talked about her nuptials with the superstar and recalled how she got married without any social media presence. The actress, known for her straightforward attitude and nature, revealed that she had an intimate wedding of 50 people and how she was a stress-free bride because her family was taking care of all the prep.
Kajol recalls being a stress-free bride at her wedding with Ajay Devgn; says, “My whole family was stressed but I had a blast”Along with opening about how no one in the wedding was worried about their looks because there was no social media, Kajol also mentioned that unlike other brides, she was completely stress-free She stated that it was her family who did the running around whereas she was enjoying her nuptials thoroughly. In an interview with Curly Tales, Kajol recalled her wedding saying, “My two sisters had organised my whole wedding. From flowers, people to invitations, everything. I had a blast; they were very stressed out, my whole family was stressed out because they were organising everything. I, on the other hand, sat down for my make-up which was done by Mickey Contractor and I was ready. I was like, ‘Achcha theek hai, kaha pe jaana hai abhi, kya karna hai, kaise shot dena hai (ok, so where should I go now, what should I do, what shot do I give)'”
The actress also clarified that even though she pretended like it was a film shot it was way different from that because she had to be all ‘serious’. Further, she expressed that her only concern at her wedding was the pundit (Hindu priest) who was doing the nuptials, was taking long to complete the rituals. Adding about how they had to two their wedding in two styles, Kajol continued, “While we were doing the wedding also, I’d tell Ajay to tell the pundit, ‘Just hurry up please!’ It was taking so long, and we got married in two customs– we had the Maharashtrian wedding and the regular ‘saath pheras’ . I was not stressed out. I was like, ‘Just hurry up now, I can’t sit here for too long!”
Also Read: Kajol reveals she and Shah Rukh Khan are not daily texters; says, “I can call him at 3 AM”
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