Actor Ranveer Singh is being lauded for his performance in the recently released film 83. The actor essayed the role of former Indian cricket captain Kapil Dev in the film that narrated the story of the world cup winning 1983 Indian cricket team. In an interview with Bollywood Hungama post the release of the film, Ranveer Singh spoke about the overwhelming response he has been receiving for the film and even got emotional while talking about the love and appreciation that has been coming his way.
EXCLUSIVE: Ranveer Singh tears up as he talks about the response for 83; says, “It’s a miracle that I became an actor”“I don't like to cry publicly. If it happens, later I feel very embarrassed about it. I feel like expressing is good. I feel like I just cry too easily nowadays. Maybe it's what I see happening around in the world due to the pandemic; that made me just very emotional,” he said.
Further talking about his experience, Ranveer Singh adds, “I don't know what it is. 83 is still making me emotional. There are messages, my phone won’t stop. Like I said it's an absolute avalanche. I think my phone battery which exhausts once in two days, now it is getting exhausted thrice in a day. I do not have a power bank to charge it again. It's a wave, tsunami, this love coming my way. I'm definitely overwhelmed and I feel like it's a miracle that I became an actor.”
At this point, the actor got emotional and took a moment before he spoke ahead. When asked why he feels that him becoming an actor is a miracle, he said, “Look at the facts, what chances did I have at succeeding?”.
He proceeds to wipe his tears and further said, “What do I say? How do I react to messages like this? What people are saying about me and what they're saying about the film and what they felt and the way they are expressing them. I have never received so much love before. I have done good movies and some memorable characters. But this is another level. It’s very special and I know that this will not happen always. That’s what makes 83 so special.”
More Pages: 83 Box Office Collection , 83 Movie Review
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