Earlier we had reported that Salman Khan had jetted off to Leh Ladakh to commence work on Kabir Khan's next venture titled Tubelight. Later we also got you an image of Salman and his co-star Chinese actress Zhu Zhu while on location in Ladakh. Well, now we hear that the Bajrangi Bhaijaan and Sultan actor got a chance to interact with his holiness the Dalai Lama.
Check out: Salman Khan meets the Dalai LamaKnown for his spiritual way of living, meeting the Dalai Lama is always considered to be of high regard. While by the looks of the image both the Dalai Lama and Salman Khan seem to be enjoying each other's company we also hear that Salman was involved in some charitable work during his stay in Ladakh as he helped the natives through his NGO Being Human.
As for the film, Tubelight that will feature Salman Khan and Zhu Zhu, is set during the Indo-Chinese war time.
More Pages: Tubelight Box Office Collection , Tubelight Movie Review
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