On Sunday, Naga Chaitanya and Sai Pallavi-starrer Love Story’s pre-release event was held in Hyderabad. Director Sekhar Kammula, producers Narayan Das K Narang, Suniel Narang, and Puskur Ram Mohan Rao were also present at the event, while superstars Aamir Khan, Chiranjeevi, and Telangana minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav graced the ceremony as the chief guests.
Aamir Khan praises Naga Chaitanya during Love Story event – “I wanted to tell his parents that he is so well brought up”At the press conference event, praising Naga Chaitanya on the film’s success, Aamir said, “I am feeling happy to be here for the event of Love Story. A few days back, I watched the trailer of Love Story. I liked it very much and told Chay that I would love to be there at the event. I met Chay first time for Laal Singh Chaddha, and working with him on the sets was a nice and special experience. We work with so many people. Sometimes, we get an opportunity to work with someone who is not only a good actor and a creative person, but they also win our hearts. I wanted to tell his parents that he is so well brought up but then I decided to come here and tell this to his fans too. Almost every day, I and our team miss you, Chay. I am very excited to see Love Story in a theatre on the 24th September. All the very best to the entire team.”
At the event, Chiranjeevi surprised everyone with his dance moves with Sai Pallavi. He conveyed his best wishes to the team and said, “I felt happy when Aamir Khan said good things about Naga Chaitanya. Chay is a balanced person who treats success and failure the same. He is very selective and always does films that are fresh. I think Love Story has something new to offer. All the best to Chaitanya and team.”
In his speech, he thanked Aamir for coming down all the way to encourage the young stars and also urged the governments of two Telugu states to help the Telugu film industry in these Covid times.
Naga also thanked Aamir and Chiranjeevi for supporting the team of Love Story. He said, “Thank you so much Megastar Chiranjeevi sir, for gracing the event and supporting us. Off-screen, you are a mega human being, and the way you supported the industry during the pandemic was very inspiring. Aamir sir, I still can’t believe he is here. I spent 45 days with you for Laal Singh Chaddha‘s shooting. What I have learned from you and those memories will keep teaching me for the rest of my life. It’s a great opportunity to get to know you and spend time with you. Looking forward to a lot more.”
He further added, “I went deep to perform for Love Story, and no character influenced me like this one before. It happened only because of director Sekhar Kammula. After observing his honesty towards filmmaking, the limit to which he goes for the characters, and the kind of importance he gives to his actors, I felt that I can go that extra mile. After the journey with Kammula, you will come out as a better actor and better human being. And that’s what happened to me. Thank you, Sekhar for that journey. Thanks to the entire team for being patient with me and support.”
Love Story revolves around a couple (Naga Chaitanya and Sai Pallavi) who lands in Hyderabad to fulfill their aspirations. The movie is scheduled to be released on September 24th in theatres.
Also Read: Naga Chaitanya reveals how he got a role in Aamir Khan’s Laal Singh Chaddha
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