The Karan Johar directorial Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani starring Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt hot screens a while back, and since then there has been no stopping at. After opening on a thunderous note the business of the film continued to see growth well into its first week. In this special report we lom at the collections of Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani on its second Friday running at major national multiplex chains.
Day 1 - Friday
PVR - 3.35 cr.
Inox - 2.20 cr.
Cinepolis - 1.15 cr.
Total - 6.70 cr.
Day 2 - Saturday
PVR - 4.80 cr.
Inox - 3.45 cr.
Cinepolis - 1.75 cr.
Total - 10 cr.
Day 3 -Sunday
PVR - 5.40 cr.
Inox - 4.10 cr.
Cinepolis - 1.95 cr.
Total - 11.45 cr.
Day 4 - Monday
PVR - 2.17 cr.
Inox - 1.46 cr.
Cinepolis - 80 lacs
Total - 4.43 cr.
Day 5 - Tuesday
PVR - 2.25 cr.
Inox - 1.60 cr.
Cinepolis - 78 lacs
Total - 4.63 cr.
Day 6 - Wednesday
PVR - 2.15 cr.
Inox - 1.48 cr.
Cinepolis - 76 lacs
Total - 4.39 cr.
Day 7 - Thursday
PVR - 1.96 cr.
Inox - 1.35 cr.
Cinepolis - 70 lacs
Total - 4.01 cr.
Day 8 - Friday
PVR - 2.28 cr.
Inox - 1.57 cr.
Cinepolis - 87 lacs
Total - 4.72 cr.