Secret Superstar had a decent first week of Rs. 41.50 crore*. The film did start well over its extended weekend but then slowed down over the weekdays, what with collections going lower than Rs. 3 crore during last few days. Had the numbers stayed over the Rs. 4 crore mark right till Thursday, the trending would have come across as much better and that would have indicated a healthy number in the second week too.
The film had to fight off the Golmaal Again wave right through and now that both films are in the second week, they are pretty much playing on an equal ground. The films have been allocated screens as per merits, though yet again it is practically these two films that are hogging all the limelight since there is no other notable release.
Collections of the Aamir Khan production are exactly on the same lines as Sachin - A Billion Dreams, which was again about chasing dreams. That film was a docudrama and had brought in Rs. 41.20 crore in its first week and now Secret Superstar is in the same zone as well. While Sachin Tendulkar biopic had netted Rs. 50.89 crore in its final run, one looks at Secret Superstar to be concluding in the same range as well.
*Estimates. Final numbers awaited