5 Excellent

We have heard a million times from different sources that each one of us have specialized skills, each one has been designed for a specific purpose. And it applies more so to kids because it is during these formative years that "someone" must identify their special ability and encourage them to channelize all their energy in that direction. Kids have an infinite source of energy but they display their high energy levels to perform only those tasks that interests them. Rest - doesnt really matter to them and they do it only for the sake of doing it, doing it for others and some, dont even really care for it.

"Tare Zameen Par" is a wonderful on screen picturization of what two different sides of the world can do to a kid. It clearly sends out a message that if you are unable to identify the strengths of your kid, your kid to be a disaster and at the same time if you spend a little time of yours in understanding what they seek for, your kid will turn into a genius. In today's busy world of "Money Making", it's worth taking a couple of hours off, especially parents and parents-to-be, to watch this movie and get ourselves to understand that it is absolutely essential to spend a few hours mentoring our own kid. The corporate hunkos who are busy mentoring people who report to them and make some buck seldom mentor their own prodigies (No offence/hard feelings to all those who dont belong to this category). Guess this movie can be a good wake-up all to all those busy bees.

In my personal view, this is one of the wonderful movies made in a long time. Aamir has done an amazing job as a director. The Mr. Perfectionist has just got better. A true family entertainer for people of 8 years to 80 years. Not a single non sense frame in the movie. Just a perfect presentation. Job well done by Mr. and Mrs. Aamir.

And the best part of the movie is of course, the true hero of the movie - Ishant Avasti (Darsheel Safari). I must say that the little kid has stolen the screen presence from one of the greatest bollywood actors.

I have never really taken time off to write a review for a movie, but I felt I must do it for this movie. It truly deserves it. A complete 5/5.

Disclaimer: This is truly my personal view. Rest is upto you.