Director Priyanka Banerjee, who shot to fame with her directorial debut short film Devi starring Kajol and Shruti Hassan, has now unveiled her debut Hollywood project In Bloom, which is an anthology of five films by five directors around the world. Priyanka’s film from the anthology Alta is due for release shortly in India. It’s a Bengali drama, which is about a defiant teenager refusing to come out of the bathroom, forcing her helpless father to seek help to reason with the girl, but things take a turn when their true relationship is revealed.
Kajol starrer Devi director Priyanka Banerjee announces her Hollywood film Alta from the anthology In BloomParamount and MTV, staying alive, chose five female directors from around the world to make an anthology of five gripping short films exploring gender complexities across diverse cultures. The other 4 films are Nigerian, Kenyan, Brazilian and American and use local languages for their films too.
Taking from her background in the theatre, Priyanka's unique style encompasses films that are conversational and realistic, with a hint of the surreal or hyper-real when you least expect it. Priyanka’s approach to film: building local worlds on screen with an emotional core that is universal.
Priyanka Banerjee, said, “In Bloom has been a project full of firsts for me- my first time working with a totally international crew, telling a story in Bengali, and having the creative freedom to deal with a sensitive subject with a spirit of experimentation. It has been a very fulfilling experience to work with four talented filmmakers from across the world. It is of course, a matter of great pride to be releasing this on Paramount+ for such a wide international audience. I am excited to know what the Indian audience thinks of the films once they are released here, Alta in particular, which is a departure in many ways from my usual style of filmmaking. It is always a joy to write and direct short films, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to do it on this scale while also exploring various relevant themes of gender equity in India.”
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