Varun Dhawan and Janhvi Kapoor are coming together for the first time for the Nitesh Tiwari directorial Bawaal. Readers would be aware that the onscreen couple is currently in Europe and if their Instagram posts are anything to go by, they are shooting in some picturesque locations. From meeting up with Nysa Devgn to being the third wheel between Natasha Dalal, Janhvi has shared some interesting photos during her Bawaal shoot schedule. Now that the actress is in Poland, a video of her co-star Varun making fun of her for her late arrival has taken social media by storm.
Varun Dhawan can’t stop talking about Janhvi Kapoor’s ‘terrible’ behaviour after she arrives late for Bawaal shootIn a recent video shared by Varun Dhawan on his Instagram story, the actor was seen shooting how Janhvi Kapoor arrived late as the entire team of the film was seen waiting for her right outside the hotel. The actress, dressed in comfy casuals, was seen coming out of the gate of Sheraton Grand Krakow, Poland. As she arrived with an apologetic expression, Varun continued to tease her. Calling it ‘terrible behaviour’, as the camera panned towards the car, we could see the team of Bawaal including filmmaker Nitesh Tiwari and his director-wife Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari waiting for the actress.
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As seen in the video, Janhvi continued to apologize to everyone for being late. While Nitesh Tiwari too joined Varun with his teasing as he mentioned how being late will have consequences on the shoot, a worried Janhvi continued to assure that they won’t be late. “Nahi miss karenge Sir. Sirf aaj ka din,” added Janhvi as she got into her car while Varun continued his joke adding, “What is this behaviour man Janhvi?”
While the earlier photo of Varun Dhawan and Janhvi Kapoor posing together went viral, it is quite entertaining to see the duo also share a fun camaraderie with this video. Speaking about Bawaal, the film is produced by Sajid Nadiadwala and is expected to hit the big screens on April 7, 2023. It is expected to be shot in about five European countries.
Also Read: Nysa Devgn hangs out with Bawaal stars Varun Dhawan and Janhvi Kapoor in Amsterdam, see photos
More Pages: Bawaal Box Office Collection , Bawaal Movie Review
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