Actor R Madhavan and his wife Sarita Birej met a friend and actress Shilpa Shirodkar and her husband on Monday in Dubai. The four had a great time chitchatting over lunch. While Shilpa Shirodkar lives there with her family, Madhavan and his wife are visiting the country. Shilpa's sister, Namrata Shirodkar and Madhavan have worked together in films like Dil Vil Pyar Vyar and Kettavarellam Padalam.
R Madhavan and Shilpa Shirodkar meet in Dubai; share picture from their get togetherSharing a happy picture from their get-together, Shilpa wrote, "An afternoon well spent with the sweetest and most humble couple thank you Sarita Birje for making it happen and Madhavan, looking forward to seeing you again soon over lots more chitchatting. #lifeindubai #friends #family."
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Madhavan had flown to Dubai in June with his family to celebrate his birthday. On the work front, he will next be seen in the film Rocketry: The Nambi Effect, the trailer of which was released in April. He was last seen in the Tamil film Maara, which was a remake of the Malayalam film Charlie.
ALSO READ: Actor R Madhavan feels incompetent and useless; here’s why
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