Zee TV’s popular primetime show Kundali Bhagya has been keeping its audiences with its intriguing plotline. With the story currently revolving around Preeta (Shraddha Arya), Karan (Shakti Anand), their sons Rajveer (Paras Kalnawat), Shaurya (Baseer Ali), and the entry of the new female lead Palki (Sana Sayyad), the upcoming episodes of Kundali Bhagya will feature a cinematic twist as Ayushmann Khurrana (Param) and Ananya Pandey (Pari) from Dream Girl 2 join the show.
Kundali Bhagya: Sana Sayyad opens up about shooting with Ayushmann Khurrana and Ananya PandayFor the unversed, the recent episodes saw Karan trying to find Preeta as they couldn't meet during her prior office visit due to Rajveer's arrest, whereas on the other hand, Nidhi (Niya Sharma) is making a plan to remove Preeta from her life. In the meanwhile, Luthra household is celebrating the wedding of Kavya (Mrinal Navell), Rajveer and Shourya’s sister and the family is getting ready for her sangeet. During the same, Rakhi Maa (Anisha Hinduja) arranges a surprise visit for Param and Pari at the Luthra House.
Amidst the rituals, Param will sense a connection between Rajveer and Palki, and despite Rajveer not accepting it, Param will assure them that something significant will transpire. Sana and Paras, who shot with Ayushmann, revealed that they were in awe of the actor. Talking about the experience of shooting with Ayushmann, Sana Sayyad said "Surreal and exciting! Working alongside Ayushmann Khurrana and Ananya Pandey was absolutely fantastic. The cinematic twist infused by their presence, especially Ayushmann's intuitive performance, added a whole new dimension to the show. And his assurance that something significant is on the horizon will leave the #PalVeer fans all intrigued. I must say, his flawless execution of the scene left the entire cast and crew, including myself, in complete awe. Shooting with Ayushmann and Ananya was an experience filled with joy and inspiration!"
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Sana and Paras seems to have had a gala time shooting with Ayushmann and Ananya and the episode is expected to air this week itself. Produced by Balaji Telefilms, Kundali Bhagya is a family drama which explores and brings to life a whole range of emotions as well as the deepest intricacies of human relationships. It airs every night at 9:30 pm, only on Zee TV.
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