In the upcoming episode of The Kapil Sharma Show, actor Saif Ali Khan will be visiting to promote his latest release. He revealed how daughter Sara Ali Khan wasn't the biggest fan of his singing talent. Saif told the host and the audience about his bad luck with lullabies.
The Kapil Sharma Show: Saif Ali Khan reveals on how baby Sara Ali Khan told him not to sing everAlong with Saif, Jacqueline Fernandez and Yami Gautam appeared on the show to promote their upcoming movie Bhoot Police. During the interaction, host Kapil Sharma told Saif how he plays ‘Baby Shark’ for his daughter Anayra. Saif, then, launched into a story about himself and Sara when she was a baby. He shared that he used to sing a song called ‘Summertime’ which is an English lullaby. Sara was really young at that time. She opened her eyes and said ‘abba please don’t sing’ and since then he can’t sing. Even the baby told him not to sing.
When asked what all Saif did during the coronavirus lockdown, he also shared that in the first lockdown, he learnt French and cooking. During the second lockdown, he had a baby.
When Kapil asked about the kids, Saif joked that he is terrified of hosting four expensive weddings, now that he's a father of four children. Sara Ali Khan and son Ibrahim Ali Khan are his kids with ex-wife Amrita Singh whereas he and Kareena Kapoor have two sons, Taimur and Jeh.
Also Read: Sara Ali Khan turns up the heat in a sexy blue and white bikini and matching beach shrug
More Pages: Bhoot Police Box Office Collection , Bhoot Police Movie Review
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