Neetu Chandra, who shot to fame with films like Garam Masala, Traffic Signal, Rann, and Oye Lucky! Lucky Oye was recently in conversation with Bollywood Hungama. In a no-holds-barred session, Nitu bore her soul talking about the difficulties and struggles she has been facing in the industry. The actress shockingly claims that despite featuring in a lead role in a Hollywood project, she has been having tough time finding work back home. If that was not enough, Neetu also goes on to talk about how selfish the industry has become and how it can affect any individual’s mental stability.
“This industry makes you a stone; it drills into you to only seek your own benefit”, says Neetu ChandraIn the course of the conversation, Nitu pointed out how the industry and the media at large have become very commercial minded. “Today I am what I am thanks to all those people who have given me a chance in the industry. Now, I am here speaking to the audience directly, because I have whatever little fame thanks to them, thanks to the films I have done. But today, when you want to put an article or publish something, media houses ask for so much money! I don’t have money, nor work. I thank Bollywood Hungama since you guys have not asked me for money for this. Every little article costs a bomb. I think because I am strong, I had the guts to come and speak about this. Like me, there will definitely be so many more in their houses suffocating and struggling, and there is no one to hear them there. Finally such people will eventually take that decisive step.”
Further talking about mental health and stability and its importance in this world and especially the industry Neetu continues, “Mental health is very, very important. We should not give up being human. I feel sometimes the reactions of people; the way they deal with you is so inhuman. I always say physical strength leads to mental strength and good mental health. I think, it is very important to speak about mental health. Like today, in our conversation I did cry, but it is fine, I am human, I have feelings. But this industry makes you a stone; it drills into you to only seek your own benefit. There have been times, when I have felt unwanted after doing so much.”
Narrating an instance that could break a person’s mental stability Neetu narrated a scenario she faced recently, “There was an instance that happened, a casting director called me to audition, he has in the past never auditioned me, but he called. So I said I am a professional, I should do it. I went and I did the audition, and before the audience he was like, 'just give the audition and this role is yours'. This happened just two months ago, and the same day within an hour of the audition, he tells me, 'I am sorry Neetu, you are not working out'. Like you literally auditioned me to reject me, so you could break my confidence. This is so inhuman. Such things break an individual, and that is why mental health is so important.”
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