Even before her big Bollywood debut, Ananya Panday has been generating a buzz with her first ever magazine cover as she graced the April issue of ELLE magazine. Stunned by the simple yet pretty charm of the petite actress, netizens took to Twitter to hail the debutante. As Saturday witnessed the young actress making her magazine debut, fans of the starlet went berserk starting a trend to shower their love. Owing to Ananya's popularity the magazine released two covers of the actress digitally and rightly saying on the cover – ‘Ananya Panday is just getting started’.
Ananya Panday features on the cover of Elle magazine and the netizens can’t stop gushing over the pictures!Ananya shared the cover on her Instagram page and wrote, "Happy happy happy!!!! Grateful grateful grateful!!!! Super super blessed!!! ????????????????❤❤ Love you @elleindia @malini_banerji @supriya.dravid ❤❤❤❤ .” Before releasing the cover, the magazine gave the audience a small sneak-peek into the cover by releasing a picture which doesn't show Ananya's full face. The actress has amassed a huge fan following even before stepping her feet in Bollywood and has earned the title of ‘Teen Obsession’. Take a look at the cover.
A regular amongst the paparazzi the social media sensation has generated immense buzz ahead of her first release. Banking upon her popularity, brands have already started lining up before the Ananya even making her one of the most sought after name in the masses. Emerging as the youngest brand ambassador of a leading cosmetic brand Elle India’s next magazine cover star has bagged multiple endorsements even before her silver screen debut. She will be seen in Student Of The Year 2 opposite Tiger Shroff and Tara Sutaria and will also star in Pati Patni Aur Woh along with Kartik Aaryan and Bhumi Pednekar.
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