Kannada superstar Yash, who shot to fame with his role of Rocky in the film K.G.F: Chapter 1, recently celebrated the birthday of his three-year-old daughter Ayra. Images from the escapades were shared on Instagram. A set of photos from the birthday event, uploaded by a fan account of the actor, shows Yash holding Ayra and his wife actress Radhika Pandit carrying their son Yatharv.
KGF Star Yash celebrates 3rd birthday of daughter Ayra; watchThe party venue was beautifully decorated with balloons and lights while Ayra was looking super adorable in a pink frock and blacktop. A cute bow hairband enhanced her cuteness. She also posed for a picture with her friends. Radhika, too, was seen enjoying the celebrations with several of the guests.
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Yash and Radhika tied the knot in 2016, and welcomed their daughter Ayra in 2018. In September this year, Yash had shared a picture with Ayra on World’s Daughter’s Day. “I can go on listening to you forever… You are our blessing magale. Happy Daughter's day to all the wonderful daughters in the world. U make life special,” his heartwarming caption for Ayra read.
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The prominent star often shares images of his kids on his Instagram account which is followed by more than 5.3 million users. Here is another photo of Yash holding his daughter and planting a kiss on her forehead. Beguiled by the beautiful photo, his fans showered tons of heart emojis in the comments section.
Also Read: Yash to speak his own lines in Hindi KGF 2?
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