Earlier this year, actor Hrithik Roshan made headlines as he was seen stepping out of a restaurant after a dinner date with actress Saba Azad. While the couple has never spoken about their relationship, they have been often spotted together walking hand-in-hand whether, outside a restaurant or the airport, Saba has also joined the Roshans for family lunch and also shares a cordial relationship with Hrithik's ex-wife, Sussanne Khan. Saba and Sussanne's friendly relations were recently on display.
This is how Sussanne Khan addresses Hrithik Roshan’s girlfriend and actress Saba AzadSaba recently took to her Instagram feed to share a boomerang video of herself where she is seen striking a stylish pose in front of a mirror. Dressed in a brown body-hugging dress, Saba looked stunning as ever in the video. She captioned the post, "I have no smart caption for this narcissism!! #bts."
Reacting to the post, Sussanne Khan took to the comment section and wrote, "woww Sabooo,” with fire emojis.
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Meanwhile, Hrithik recently arrived at Karan Johar's 50th birthday bash along with Saba Azad. The two entered the venue hand-in-hand and even posed together for the paparazzi. Reportedly, he introduced everyone to Saba as his girlfriend. Sussanne Khan, on the other hand, arrived at the party with her boyfriend Arslan Goni.
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