Salman Khan’s long-time bodyguard, Shera, recently spoke about the alarming firing incident that took place outside the actor’s Galaxy apartment in Bandra, Mumbai, earlier this year. Shera, whose real name is Gurmeet Singh Jolly, has been working with Salman Khan since 1995 and runs his own security firm, Tiger Security. In an interview with Zoom, Shera expressed concern over the seriousness of the situation, stating that while Salman has faced threats before, this incident felt more severe and unexpected.
Salman Khan’s bodyguard Shera speaks on shooting outside Galaxy apartment: “It was a bit more serious because…”Shera on the Firing Incident: "This Time It Was More Serious"
The firing, which occurred on April 14, involved two men, identified as Vicky Gupta and Sagar Pal, who opened fire outside Salman Khan’s residence on a motorcycle. The assailants were later apprehended from Gujarat, and the Mumbai Police invoked the Maharashtra Control of Organized Crime Act (MCOCA) to detain those involved.
Shera discussed the gravity of the situation, saying, "Threats aise pehle bhi aate the par is baar thodi zyada serious hui this because ye achanak tha and serious to tha hi... isiliye ab hamesha attentive rehte hain." (Threats have come earlier also, but this time it was a bit more serious because this caught us off guard, without a warning, and has prepared us to stay attentive always.)
Police Investigations and Key Suspects
The police investigation into the firing led to the arrest of Anuj Thapan (32) from Punjab on April 26, though he was later found dead in police custody in what appeared to be a suicide. The case also pointed towards the involvement of Lawrence Bishnoi and his brother, Anmol Bishnoi. Anmol allegedly claimed responsibility for the attack in a Facebook post shortly after the incident.
The Mumbai Crime Branch has been rigorously investigating the case, given Salman Khan’s history of receiving threats, and the Bishnoi brothers remain key suspects in the case.
Connection to AP Dhillon Incident
The firing incident outside Salman Khan’s residence gained even more attention after a similar situation occurred at singer-rapper AP Dhillon’s residence in Vancouver, Canada. A viral clip showed gunshots fired outside Dhillon’s house, and it is being speculated that this attack was related to his recent collaboration with Salman Khan on a music video.
Also Read: Salman Khan’s bodyguard Shera buys luxury Range Rover worth Rs 1.4 crore
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