Following their presence at the trailer launch event for the much-anticipated Punjabi film Carry On Jatta 3, Aamir Khan extended his hospitality by hosting renowned comedian Kapil Sharma and his wife, Ginni Chatrath. While Aamir Khan is known for maintaining a low profile on social media platforms, Kapil Sharma took to his social media account to share cherished moments from their get-together. The photos captured the camaraderie and laughter shared between the trio, serving as a delightful glimpse into their enjoyable evening.
Kapil Sharma and Ginni Chatrath spend “wonderful evening” with Aamir Khan; see postOn Wednesday, Kapil to his Instagram and shared pictures featuring his wife Ginni Chatrath and Aamir Khan. In the pictures, Kapil, Aamir Khan, and Ginni radiate joy as they come together for a delightful photoshoot. In a heartfelt gesture, Kapil expressed his gratitude to Aamir for hosting a splendid evening at his residence. The pictures capture the trio's beaming smiles, showcasing the warmth and camaraderie shared between them. Sharing the pictures, Kapil wrote in caption, “Thank you for the wonderful evening, beautiful hospitality, love,laughter,music, what a beautiful n memorable get together it was, thank you #Aamirkhan bhai you r our pride #aamirkhan.”
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Even during the trailer launch of Carry On Jatta 3, Aamir lauded Kapil. He said has said, “I called Kapil just 2-3 weeks back. Main aaj kal kaam kam kar raha hoon. Family ke saath zyada hoon. Every night, I like seeing comedy before going to sleep. Since the past many months, I see Kapil's show. I have become his huge fan. You must have noticed that my smile was the widest when he came on stage! Meri itni shaamon ko inhone rangeen banaya hai. Hence, I called and thanked him for entertaining people. Logon ka dil behlana bahut bada kaam hai. I am happy to see you here. I am one of your biggest fans, Kapil.”
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