The trailer of the family entertainer Binny And Family was launched at a multiplex in Mumbai. It marks the debut of Varun Dhawan’s niece Anjini Dhawan and Varun was the chief guest at this event. They were also joined by actors Pankaj Kapur, Himani Shivpuri, Rajesh Kumar, Charu Shankar and Naman Tripathy, producers Mahaveer Jain and Ekta Kapoor, director Ssanjay Tripaathy and others. As expected, Varun Dhawan stole the show with his funny replies and also when he talked about the dynamics in his house
Binny And Family trailer launch: Varun Dhawan steals the show: “Natasha Dalal and I saw Anjini playing with our dog and we wondered, ‘Hum abhi kaafi budhe ho gaye hai'”Varun spoke highly about Anjini, and he said, “Anjini had recently come home, and she was playing with Joey (his pet dog). Natasha and I were staring at her and we were wondering, ‘Hum abhi kaafi budhe ho gaye hai’!”
He further said, “I feel that their generation is very smart. They are also aware and are not living in a bubble. They know that life is quite tough. I remember when I was growing up, people used to tell me many times ‘Aage ka raasta aasaan nahin hai’. The new generation is already aware that the path ahead is difficult and they are even ready to work hard. And they know that even if they commit mistakes, they’ll learn from it. So yes, this generation teaches the older generation. They are already in that phase.”
Varun also stated, “Everyone has their own journey. And we all love playing God. In reality, no one knows anything about what’s going to happen next. Mujhe nahin pata hai, aapko nahin pata hai. Kuchh bhi ho sakta hai. But what I do believe is that good things are going to happen to everyone related to this film.” As expected, the statement led to applause.
Produced by Waveband Productions and Mahaveer Jain Films, Binny And Family releases in cinemas on September 20.
Also Read: Sunny Deol happily welcomes Varun Dhawan to the cast of Border 2
More Pages: Binny And Family Box Office Collection
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