The trailer of the family entertainer Binny And Family was launched at a multiplex in Mumbai. It marks the debut of Varun Dhawan’s niece Anjini Dhawan and Varun was the chief guest at this event. They were also joined by actors Pankaj Kapur, Himani Shivpuri, Rajesh Kumar, Charu Shankar and Naman Tripathy, producers Mahaveer Jain and Ekta Kapoor, director Ssanjay Tripaathy and others. As expected, Varun Dhawan stole the show with his funny replies and also when he talked about the dynamics in his house.
Binny And Family trailer launch: Varun Dhawan talks about his adulting struggles: “Your mother and father have just scolded you. Your baby is also scolding you. Aur phir biwi bhi daant deti hai”Varun Dhawan was asked about the advice he’d like to give to Anjini. He said, “Put your head down and keep working hard. There are no freebies. It’s a tough world and you make your journey easier by smiling.”
This year has been special for Varun as he turned father after he and Natasha welcomed their daughter on June 3. A journalist asked him if his way of thinking had changed after turning dad. He replied, “100%. Thoda ajeeb lagta hai. Your mother and father have just scolded you. You enter your baby’s room, and she is also scolding you. Aur phir biwi bhi daant deti hai! At that time, you wonder what’s your position in the house (laughs)?”
He continued, “I guess you call this term ‘adulting’. When you are in between in both situations. I am lucky to have an elder brother, jo load bhi leta hai. What becomes scary or difficult at that point in time for the child is the parent’s health. When we are young, our parents are worried about us. Abhi bhi karte hai. My mother is here. But as they grow older, you also need to take care of them. It’s a situation you have to navigate.”
Varun further stated, “I derive all my strength from my mother, and I am sure they must be getting theirs also from their mother.”
Produced by Waveband Productions and Mahaveer Jain Films, Binny And Family releases in cinemas on September 20.
Also Read: Varun Dhawan on being a part of Border 2: “Very special moment in my career”
More Pages: Binny And Family Box Office Collection
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