Hindi Medium is still running in China! The Saket Chaudhary directorial featuring Irrfan Khan and Saba Qamar released over 20 days ago and has been doing rather well since then. In fact, Hindi Medium has managed to withstand the competition from other subsequent releases and feature consistently on the daily highest grosses list at the China box office.
Now on Day 21 in the Chinese market Hindi Medium has drawn in a further USD 0.14 million [Rs. 0.93 cr] taking its total collections at the China box office to USD 32.51 million [Rs. 216.69 cr]. Though the business of Hindi Medium has slowed down considerably, the film that had remained constant at the fourth position on the daily highest grossers list still manages to feature in the top 10 highest grossers at the China box office at number 7.
However, with the impending release of the mega Hollywood action entertainer Avengers: Infinity War, predictions state that the business of Hindi Medium at the China box office will take a drastic hit in the days to come.