Bollywood Hungama
Bollywood Entertainment at its best
Last Updated 14.05.2024 | 11:52 PM IST




By Bollywood Hungama

This is hard to absorb. But it's true nonetheless. Bollywood producers are in a tearing hurry to release their films. How else would you explain the release of 5 films last week [TUMSA NAHIN DEKHA, MADHOSHI, DOBARA, KING OF BOLLYWOOD; CHOKHER BALI in Overseas] and another 8 this week. That makes it 13 films in two weeks. By the way, I haven't taken into account the various low-budget flicks that also make it week after week.

Looking at the number of films hitting the marquee in rapid succession, a few questions cross my mind -

  • Was it a festive season/holiday period that prompted producers to release their films in these two weeks?
  • Does the common man have the time, money and inclination to watch more than one/two films a week?

The answer to both the questions is a firm No. It's not a festive season, nor is the common man interested in watching so many films in a short span. So why are producers in a mad rush to release their films?

Perhaps, most producers want to release their film before the biggies invade the marquee during the Diwali week. But most of them are not even aware that the college examinations have already begun and so has the shraddh period. Besides, the holy month of Ramadan is around the corner.

This may sound strange but most producers don't study the market conditions before announcing the release date of their films. Everyone feels he's got a hit up his sleeve and that the other film [the opposition] stands no chance at all. But let's not forget, the clash of so many films would also lead to a crash. And that's precisely what happened last week!

The opening all the four films [TUMSA NAHIN DEKHA, MADHOSHI, DOBARA, KING OF BOLLYWOOD] only added to the woes of a crestfallen industry. Losses and more losses are mounting with each passing week, yet no one's bothered.

The worst affected are the distributors, who must've paid fancy prices to procure the rights of these films. Most must be shedding tears of blood, I'm sure. But will we ever learn from our mistakes? Isn't it time producers sat together and thrashed out the issue? It's no point releasing so many films in one week and realizing the blunder once the harm is done.

Wake up before it gets too late!

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