The Ghazi Attack Movie
Karan Johar and AA Films’ The Ghazi Attack, which has been directed by the debutant Sankalp Reddy, is a film based on mysterious sinking of ‘PNS Ghazi’ during India-Pakistan War of 1971. The film starts off with Lt. Commander Arjun Varma (Rana Daggubati) being given the charge of overlooking the...
On the other hand, ‘PNS Ghazi’ which is led by Commander Razaq Mohd Khan (Rahul Singh), gets a whiff of an Indian submarine. What happens after that are a series of attacks and mind games, which ultimately decides the fate of both the submarines viz., ‘PNS Ghazi’ and ‘S21’.
Does India become successful in overpowering the Pakistani attack underwater or vice versa is what forms the rest of the film.
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