5 Excellent

Joginder Ji has not reviewed it properly, all the songs are so different and soothing to ears. Damadamm has everything be it pop, classic, retro Bhangra songs everything. This is a masterpiece album from Himesh and at least deserved 4.5 if not 5. Joginder Ji has not even reviewed Tere Bina which is one of my favourite and one of the best song of the year. He himself admits that 5 songs are excellent, I would like to ask everybody including Joginder Ji that how many albums release today with 5 chartbuster songs ??? None ! So what does he want to say that if Himesh only included those 5 songs would have rated it 5 ? Each and every song (not only 5 ) is a gem. Damadamm is a treat for all of us.