Vikram, one of Tamil cinema’s most versatile actors, recently faced some tough questions while promoting his upcoming film, Thangalaan. During a press conference in Madurai, a reporter suggested that Vikram’s fan following might not be as large as that of his contemporaries, Ajith Kumar or Suriya. Vikram, however, remained unshaken by the comparison and delivered a calm but assertive response. "That’s because you know nothing about my fans. Just come to the theatre and see for yourself," he said, sparking laughter among the audience.
Vikram confidently shuts down claims about his fan base: “Come to the theatre and see…”Emphasizing audience connection over stardom
The reporter persisted, questioning Vikram’s standing among Kollywood’s top three leading heroes. Vikram responded thoughtfully, indicating that he doesn’t prioritize rankings or titles. "Being in the top hero list isn’t important. What matters is the audience. I know how to make films like Dhool and Saamy. I have given my best for Thangalaan. As far as I am concerned, everyone is my fan in some way," he said, shifting the focus from competition to his dedication to his craft and his audience.
A unique place in Kollywood
The conversation took an interesting turn when another reporter chimed in, defending Vikram by stating that while other heroes might have detractors, Vikram does not. This observation highlights Vikram’s unique position in the industry—an actor who has consistently delivered diverse roles and maintained a strong connection with his fans without attracting much negativity. It’s this rapport with his audience that Vikram seems to cherish the most.
Thangalaan: A new chapter in Vikram’s career
Vikram’s latest venture, Thangalaan, directed by Pa Ranjith, is set against the backdrop of the Kolar Gold Fields (KGF). The film showcases Vikram in the role of a tribal leader who stands up to the British Raj, fighting to protect his land and people. The film promises to be an intense and gripping tale, featuring Malavika Mohanan, Parvathy Thiruvothu, and Daniel Caltagirone in significant roles.
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