While the internet is buzzing with the surprising news of actors Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala getting engaged in Hyderabad, photos shared by a certain Samanta has been going viral. Many netizens, after their initial surprise, have realized that it is not Samantha Ruth Prabhu who has been sharing sweet moments with the newly engaged couple but Samanta Dhulipala, the sister of the bride-to-be who has been sharing her happiness on the social media platform.
Samanta shares sweet moments from the engagement of Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala; see picsFor the ones who have been following Dr. Samanta Dhulipala, they would be aware that she shares a great and warm camaraderie with her sister Sobhita Dhulipala. She took to the social media platform to share a few unseen photos from the engagement ceremony wherein the celebrity couple is posing with several of their family members, which not only includes father-in-law Nagarjuna, his actress-wife Amala, or their son Akhil Akkineni, but also of Sobhita and Chaitanya posing with Samanta and her husband Dr. Sahil Gupta. The photos were posted on Instagram along with a message that read, “To forever (evil eye, white heart emoji) 2022 – (infinity emoji)”.
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For the unversed, Nagarjuna announced the engagement of the couple on August 8, 2024, which was considered an auspicious date, wherein they decided to exchange rings in a private affair amid family members. Later, Sobhita Dhulipala and Naga Chaitanya shared a series of photos on their social media platform announcing their union in a joint post. While the couple were rumored to be dating for almost two years now, the two of them never opened up about their relationship publicly. Also, Naga Chaitanya was earlier married to actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu but after three years of marriage, the couple parted ways in 2021 much to the disappointment of ChaySam fans.
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