Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli's daughter Vamika turned a year old on January 11, Tuesday. The couple who is currently in South Africa where the Indian team is playing a test match celebrated their daughter's birthday with the team. The family is in a bio bubble but celebrated the birthday of the little one in the presence of the team and their family members.
PICS: Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli celebrate daughter Vamika’s first birthday in South AfricaAnushka Sharma shared a picture of her and Virat from their daughter's birthday celebrations. In the picture, the happy couple is seen holding a glass of wine as they posed for the picture. "The sun was bright, the light beautiful, the table full and just like that our little girl turned one," Anushka wrote.
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Thanking those who made the party special, Anushka further wrote, "The evening was made extra special with the warmest people. And here I was worried about her first birthday being in a bubble! Thank you guys (you know who you are)."
Anushka also shared a happy picture of herself holding Vamika in her arms and captioned it, "My baby girl".
Anushka and Virat welcomed Vamika on January 11, 2021. The couple has been adamant about protecting the privacy of their child and has requested the paparazzi to respect the same and not click pictures of their daughter.
ALSO READ: Anushka Sharma cozies up to Virat Kohli for a sweet selfie; also reveals the time they go to bed
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