Actress Mukti Mohan, who debuted on OTT with Thar in 2022 and appeared in Gyaarah Gyaarah on Zee5 and Life Hill Gayi on Disney+ Hotstar, stars in the recently released supernatural film A Wedding Story.
Mukti Mohan prioritizes meaningful relationships in the industry: “I feel it’s really important to stay connected”She said, “I feel it's really important to stay connected. I'm regularly in touch with people who inspire me people who are always motivating me and have faith in me, be the directors, writers, producers, or even co-actors. It really boosts morale to share each other's work and stay connected. I make sure to stay in touch with those who matter to me. For years, I have maintained my love for them and their work, which is how I stay associated with them. I've been in touch with them on a one-on-one basis.”
When asked how she prioritizes ongoing learning and professional development in her career, she explains that the key is to work on yourself tirelessly. “Often, the day begins with warm-ups and body voice exercises. I also do a lot of reading. But usually, when I'm shooting, the focus is entirely on the character I’m portraying. For that, I need to work on my body language and accents. Some work requires training, such as riding a scooter and other skills which I don't know. These things often involve muscle memory, and I always prioritize that, along with reading. As you read the script, you know what's coming and can prepare to approach the scene in different ways,” she continued.
She added, “When I'm not shooting, I have a little hub called Mukti Manch, where we offer acting courses. We focus on 'Angika,' 'Vachika,' and 'Aharya,' which are body, voice, and acting techniques. I immerse myself in these processes, and even in the last ten years, I’ve participated in various workshops. I know how to play theatre games and stay true to the moment, keeping it alive. It's something we actors need to continuously work on. I always feel complete when I visit Mukti Manch and try out different classes. So, I prioritize things as per my schedules.”
Discussing about areas she wants to improve, she said, “Currently, I want to delve into reading more and work on dialects, accents, and my voice because I’m slowly realizing how powerful these tools are.”
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