In its first week, Dear Zindagi has pretty much collected the same amount as Kapoor & Sons [Rs. 46.93 crore] had 8 months ago. Incidentally, both films are backed by Karan Johar and feature Alia Bhatt. Dear Zindagi currently stands at Rs. 47 crore though the trend in comparison to Kapoor & Sons isn't as strong. The Shakun Batra directed film had enjoyed an opening weekend of Rs. 26.35 crore whereas Gauri Shinde's film had a head start of around Rs. 6 crore which resulted in Rs. 32.5 crore weekend. Since the Alia Bhatt and Shahrukh Khan starrer isn't as universal in its appeal, the collections have been decent to good in weekdays.
Force 2 brought in Rs. 7.5 crore* in its second week and currently stands at Rs. 37.5 crore*. The film has been just about okay after a decent weekend of Rs. 20.05 crore and is now looking at wrapping up around the Rs. 40 crore mark. The film could have actually covered a distance of around Rs. 55 crore if not for the demonetization factor which also resulted in reduction of ticket rates. That would have helped it become the highest grosser ever for a John Abraham solo release (by going past Madras Cafe - Rs. 47 crore). Unfortunately that has not happened, though John and Sonakshi would still be fine with the collections that have come in.
Saansein - The Last Breath has seen collections coming in primarily at the B and C centers. The film stands around the Rs. 4 crore* mark after its one week run. Considering the fact that it has been pitched at a good scale, the film was expected to do better though yet again, the demonetization factor impacted it in a big way with a sparse release in premium multiplexes not helping its cause either.
Rock On 2 has folded up around the Rs. 11.5 crore mark and is a huge disaster.
*Estimates. Final numbers awaited