In a moment that underscores the growing bond between Australia and the Indian film industry, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese took a heartwarming selfie with renowned Bollywood personalities Karan Johar and Rani Mukerji. The photo, which has since gone viral, was captured at the Australian Parliament House on August 13, 2024. The occasion marked a significant cultural event that saw the Indian film industry being celebrated on an international platform, just ahead of the 15th annual Indian Film Festival of Melbourne (IFFM).
Karan Johar and Rani Mukerji pose with Australian PM in selfieKeynote Address at Australian Parliament House
The selfie was taken after a profound keynote address delivered by Karan Johar and Rani Mukerji, representing the Indian film industry. The keynote was a part of a larger celebration at the Australian Parliament House, where the Indian film industry's contributions to global cinema were acknowledged. The event, attended by various dignitaries including Minister Tim Watts and IFFM Festival Director Mitu Bhowmick Lange, highlighted the cultural exchange between India and Australia, with Indian cinema playing a pivotal role.
Celebrating 15 Years of the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne
The Indian Film Festival of Melbourne, which will take place between August 15 and 25, 2024, is the largest celebration of Indian cinema outside of India. This year marks the festival’s 15th anniversary, making it a special edition that will pay homage to the rich diversity and creativity of Indian cinema
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