0.5 Poor

Ok first of al TARAN DOES NOT KNW HOW TO RATE A MOVIE he it looks like his a fan of amir so he did watever he wants he didn't even mention that the film a VERY LONG it was so long u get bored after i don't say the movie was stupid nonsence but i don't even say the movie was good it was slow fast slow fast and they over reacted abt the movie its like amir become THE HULK wow really the movie is good at a certain point not all i expected more action in the trailer they show all this fight and violence just to atract public but when u see the movie there is nothing only few action and at the end also just fake publicity the movie is not a full action movie don't waste your time and money and TARAN CLOSE DOWN YOUR FALTU SITE IF YOU DON"T EVEN KNW HOW TO RATE MOVIES don't feel bad but its the FACT