Once again, Pooja Hegde will be seen sharing screen with Mahesh Babu after their first collab in Maharshi. The producers of his next film, Haarika and Hassine creations, announced the names of the leading cast and crew for their upcoming project, via a video captioning “Celebrating our REIGNING Superstar @urstrulymahesh birthday, we bring you the SUPER Squad of #SSMB28,”
Pooja Hegde to star opposite Mahesh BabuPooja will be the leading lady opposite Mahesh, as this project will mark their second collaboration. Among the crew, AS Prakash will take care of art department, Thaman is the music composer for the project, and Madhie will take up the camera, while Navin Nooli will be the editor for the same.
Celebrating our REIGNING Superstar @urstrulymahesh birthday, we bring you the SUPER Squad of #SSMB28 ????
▶️ https://t.co/AjdQIPPjup#Trivikram’s Enchanting Tale on to the sets, soon! ????#HBDSuperstarMaheshBabu @hegdepooja @MusicThaman @madhie1 #ASPrakash @NavinNooli @vamsi84
— Haarika & Hassine Creations (@haarikahassine) August 9, 2021
After Athadu (2005) and Khaleja (2010), director Trivikram will collaborate with Mahesh Babu for the third time. Adding to that, this project will also mark Pooja Hegde's third film with the director, after Aravinda Sametha Veera Raghava (2018) and Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo (2020). The shooting is yet to be started.
As both the actors are busy with their upcoming projects, where Mahesh Babu is currently shooting for Sarkaru Vaari Paata, whereas Pooja Hegde is presently working on Most Eligible Bachelor, Radhe Shyam, and Acharya.
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