On Friday, actors Rishab Shetty and Yash were seen rejoicing the special moment as their films Kantara and KGF Chapter 2 made some record-breaking win at the 70th National Film Awards which celebrates the Indian entertainment industry including that of regional cinema. From Gujarati to Marathi to Bengali, while many films bagged multiple different victories, Kantara and KGF Chapter 2 emerged victorious in two major categories each leaving Hombale Films, that produced both ventures, enthralled.
70th National Film Awards: Yash, Rishab Shetty, and Hombale Films share happiness as Kantara and KGF Chapter 2 win multiple awardsYash, who is the midst of shooting his next film Toxic, decided to celebrate the work of all National Award winners including the KGF Chapter 2 wins by sharing a note on social media. In the said note, he also appreciated the work of Kantara actor-director Rishab Shetty. In the note he said, “Heartiest Congratulations to all the winners of National Awards. A Special Shoutout to Rishab Shetty, Vijay Kiragandur, Prashanth Neel, and the entire Hombale Films team for the well-deserved recognition for Kantara and KGF 2. Here's to many more heights. This is indeed Kannada Cinema's shining moment on the national stage!”
For the unversed, while KGF Chapter 2 won in the Best Kannada Film and Best Action Direction category with the latter being presented to Anbariv, Kantara won the Best Film Providing Wholesome Entertainment award along with Rishab Shetty walking away with the Best Actor In a Leading Role award. Rishab Shetty too has expressed his gratitude and said, “I am truly overwhelmed by the honor of this National Award for 'Kantara.' I extend my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has been part of this journey, the incredible team of artists, technicians and especially Hombale Films. The audiences have made this film what it is and their support fills me with a deep sense of responsibility. I am committed to working even harder to bring an even better film to our viewers. With utmost respect, I dedicate this award to our Kannada audience, the Daiva Nartakas and Appu sir. I thank the divine as we have reached this moment through the blessings of the Daivas.”
Meanwhile, rejoicing the win, Hombale Films too issued a statement wherein Vijay Kiragandur said, “Bridging tradition and innovation, Kantara and KGF Chapter 2 stand as powerful symbols of Kannada cinema's cultural depth and cinematic excellence." This recognition belongs to all of us Yash, Prashanth Neel, Rishab Shetty and the entire team of KGF and Kantara. We are grateful to all, that we could see the light with these amazing movies. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to GoI and the Jury for this recognition. Again we thank our audience, whose love and support have been our greatest strength.”
Also Read: 70th National Film Awards: Kantara, KGF Chapter 2, Ponniyin Selvan 1 win big
More Pages: Kantara Box Office Collection , Kantara Movie Review
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