Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao are in Kolkata to promote their upcoming film Stree 2. Their promotional trip to Kolkata was exciting and pleasant, as the two took a tram ride through the city. Rajkummar looked great in all black, while Shraddha dazzled in a brilliant red ensemble. The video they shared begins with an image of the couple outside a tram, greeted by a group of women dressed in red with covered faces, holding a banner that reads, "O Stree, Calcutta mein aapka swaagat hai!"
Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao take a tram ride through Kolkata to promote Stree 2Inside the tram, the performers are seen holding a cake made with miniatures. They also danced to the film's tune 'Aayi Nai'. The final slide depicts Rajkummar and Shraddha inside the tram, with the announcement, “Stree 2coming to theaters on August 15th.” The caption said, “Ami tomay bhalobashi, Kolkata! Thank you for an excellent experience.”
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Directed by Amar Kaushik, Stree 2, also stars Aparshakti Khurana, Pankaj Tripathi, and Abhishek Banerjee. The film is a follow-up to the immensely successful Stree, which originally enthralled viewers in 2018.
Stree 2 will compete at the box office alongside Akshay Kumar's Khel Khel Mein and John Abraham's Vedaa, both of which will be released on Independence Day.
More Pages: Stree 2 Box Office Collection , Stree 2 Movie Review
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