Businessman and Shilpa Shetty Kundra’s husband Raj Kundra has made his acting debut with UT 69, which released today in theatres. Interestingly, the film is inspired from the time he spent in jail after being arrested for allegedly being involved in making porn films. The film sees Kundra play himself while it also stars Kumar Saurabh, Gaurav Mishra, Anand Alkunte, Errol Rodrigues, Mahesh Ghag, Sadanand Patil, Ganesh Deokar, Vinod Suryavanshi, Mahadev Jadhavmore.
Shamita Shetty pens emotional note for jiju Raj Kundra for the release of UT 69Kundra’s sister-in-law Shamita Shetty has written a sweet note to extend good wishes to him for the release of the film. The actress took to her Instagram and shared an emotional video from the movie where Kundra is emotionally seen bidding farewell to his jail inmates.
Shamita captioned the post, “My Dearest Jiju @onlyrajkundra, the way you have overcome your personal challenges it has only made you stronger and more resilient. It’s a common saying that ‘what doesn’t break you makes you stronger,’ in the face of great adversity you have come out the other side with an unwavering heart and increased tenacity. Your personal growth as a human has shown us the true meaning of hope and fortitude.”
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She added, “Can’t wait for everyone to watch #ut69 .. not only have u shown your own painful journey but you have also touched the lives of the forgotten undertrials awaiting justice !”
Mentioning UT 69’s director Shahnawaz Ali, Shamita wrote, “@shahnawazali1 can’t believe this is ur first film ! You have handled such a sensitive subject with a touch of humour ! So classily done !brilliant natural performances from all the supporting cast ! Kudos n much love n success to all of you.”
More Pages: UT69 Box Office Collection
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