Colors’ stunt-based reality show Khatron Ke Khiladi 13 seems to be pushing its contestants to achieve unprecedented feats of daredevils leaving the viewers entertained. Mentored by host Rohit Shetty, the show focuses on people fighting with their fears and phobias, as they attempt to win the coveted trophy. While the new season has been introducing new twists one after the other coupled with some terror-inducing stunts, the new edition is expected to feature an ultimate showdown of fear and the ‘khiladis’. While all contestants have been giving their best shot, Anjum Fakih ended up getting eliminated for the second time after being bested by Nyrraa M Banerji in the Target week of the show last week.
Khatron Ke Khiladi 13: Anjum Fakih opens up about getting eliminated for the second time from the reality show; says, “Life will not be the same after I’ve faced my worst fears”Anjum Fakih embarked on her tryst with an exhilarating helicopter-related task and her friend Ruhi Chaturvedi stood by her side for most stunts during the show's debut week. The two most intense challenges they faced were the see-saw trial and the car-and-trolley feat. In the latter part of the stunt, Anjum shared her perspective on battling anxiety over the years. She also won hearts as she strongly confronted her fear of reptiles and snakes while retrieving keys hidden within boxes filled with these creatures for a subsequent stunt.
Upon being bested by Aishwarya in the third week, Anjum was out of the race for the title of the ultimate Khiladi. However, she re-entered the show two weeks ago and her second innings kicked off with a bang. In the target week, however, Anjum was unwell and could not perform to the best of her ability, which resulted in her eviction. Bidding farewell to it, Anjum Fakih said, “I’m so grateful for this remarkable journey of Khatron Ke Khiladi 13 that has been in a masterclass in knowing myself. Throughout the show, I unearthed treasures of self-discovery and learnt how to manage my mental state. I thank all the viewers and my fellow participants who bestowed unwavering support. I’m blessed to have people who are proud of my achievements on this show. I thank Rohit sir, whose belief in us unlocked our potential. Life will not be the same after I’ve faced my worst fears on this show.”
Khatron Ke Khiladi 13 airs on Saturday and Sunday at 9 pm only on Colors.
Also Read: Khatron Ke Khiladi 13: Colors’ show gets an action-packed twist with ‘Target Week’
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