Kay Kay Menon and Ranvir Shorey, who have collaborated on multiple projects, recently reunited for the JioCinema web-series Shekhar Home. Ranvir garnered immense attention recently for his stint in the Bigg Boss OTT 3 house and before entering the same, the actor had stated why he was participating in the reality show, wherein he had confessed that he was facing dearth of work. Recently, his good friend Kay Kay reacted to the statement and also revealed the reason behind not watching Bigg Boss OTT.
Kay Kay Menon REVEALS the reason behind not watching Ranvir Shorey in Bigg Boss OTT 3; says, “I knew I would catch him acting on Bigg Boss OTT”In an interview with News18 Showsha, Kay Kay Menon revealed that he doesn’t watch the reality show at all. He said, “I didn’t have the time to watch it. Having said that, I didn’t need to watch Bigg Boss to see Ranvir. We’ve spent enough time together before the show happened to him. Another reason is that I knew I would catch him acting on Bigg Boss OTT. I know him too well.”
During the same interaction, Kay Kay also addressed the comment made by Ranvir Shorey about the lack of work in the film industry. The actor opened up about the time before the OTT platform surged prior to the pandemic, and shared, “This was before the OTT boom. It had to do with the fact that in cinema and the films that we see in theatres, the scope for people and actors like us had reduced.”
Furthermore, he went on to add how actors like him and Manoj Bajpayee were stubborn enough to hold on to it even during challenging times and stated, “All through our lives, we had no choice but to play villains or something along those lines. People like me and Manoj are ziddi. We’re just obstinate! We continued our journey through it all. There were perhaps actors more talented than us who fell by the wayside because they didn’t have the tenacity to hold on. So, when OTT platforms came in where stars didn’t work but only actors, opportunities blossomed.”
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