In an exclusive interview with Bollywood Hungama, Divya Khosla, Abhinay Deo, and Mukesh Bhatt delved into their latest film, Savi, its success, and its OTT release. The team reflected on the film's positive reception, with Mukesh Bhatt offering his perspectives on current trends in the entertainment industry, distinguishing between vulgarity and erotism, and discussing the superstar culture. Divya Khosla celebrated her powerful performances, and Abhinay Deo also recounted their experiences working on the film, emphasizing the creative process and the response from audiences.
EXCLUSIVE: Mukesh Bhatt on Savi and industry trends: “The industry gives you a long rope and then…”Bhatt’s perspectives on Industry trends
While discussing the film industry and the role of filmmakers, Mukesh Bhatt remarked, "Our job is to manufacture glamour and not become victim of it." While asked about which young actor holds sincerity for their work, he mentioned, "Unfortunately, it doesn't exist, and I don't blame them for it. The industry gives you a long rope and then hangs you. I don't blame a star for what a star does because he or she is caught up from the real world, they are surrounded by Yes Man."
A veteran’s new achievement
Mukesh Bhatt, a veteran in the film industry known for his influential work on acclaimed projects such as Sadak and Aashiqui, has once again demonstrated his expertise with Savi. Released on May 31, 2024, this film features a stellar cast including Anil Kapoor, Divya Khosla, and Harshvardhan Rane.
More Pages: Savi Box Office Collection , Savi Movie Review
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