Bollywood actor Bhumi Pednekar was in attendance at the new Parliament where the new Women's Reservation Bill was introduced in the Lok Sabha in the ongoing special session. She along with Thank You For Coming co-stars Shehnaaz Gill, Shibani Bedi and Dolly Singh met with Union Minister Anurag Thakur.
Bhumi Pednekar on Women’s Reservation Bill: “The representation will happen now, there is hope”Speaking to NDTV about the Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam, Bhumi Pednekar said, "I feel very proud to be here and be a part of such a historic moment. It is a beautiful building (the new Parliament). Being a modern, Indian woman, this (women's reservation bill) is a very important thing for us. Through our films and our work, we have tried to maintain equality for our gender. The messaging of the bill will go far and wide - change is here and our tomorrow will be even better."
"The bill will bring a change that will help women get better representation. If there are no women in places of power, the policies and laws won't be proper. The representation will happen now, there is hope," she added.
Meanwhile, Thank You For Coming celebrates and empowers womanhood in a fun and entertaining manner. The film gives out a strong and powerful message and also tickles your funny bone at the same time.
More Pages: Thank You For Coming Box Office Collection , Thank You For Coming Movie Review
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