At Ramesh Taurani's Diwali party this year, the glitter and sparkle of Bollywood came to life as stars dressed in their finest traditional garb and brought the festival of lights to life. Actress Alaya F, who is quite skilled and energetic, was one of the guests that turned heads. She made a beautiful statement at the star-studded event by stealing the show with her natural elegance and charisma. Alaya F made a grand entrance at the Diwali celebration, displaying her exquisite sense of style and fashion. She looked stunning in a classic outfit that expertly combined old world charm with modern sophistication.
Alaya F shines bright like a diamond in silver lehenga at Ramesh Taurani’s Diwali partyBollywood is undoubtedly ready for Diwali, even though we aren't quite ready for it yet. In addition to attending Diwali parties, celebs have been stepping up their ethnic fashion game. On Instagram, the actress posted a few photos from the occasion. She is seen wearing a silver lehenga in the photos. Abundant with decorations, Alaya exuded an amazing charm. In a gorgeously embroidered lehenga, the actress channelled the desi diva vibe in the most modernistic way possible. She wore a sleek lehenga skirt with the trendiest floral embroidery combined with a silver bustier choli, and she wore a ruffled dupatta over her shoulders. In fact, the actress delivered a style that had just the right amount of kick. balancing out the glamour and glitter.
Meanwhile, on the work front, the actress was last seen in Almost Pyaar with DJ Mohabbat, Freddy, U-Turn where her performance was widely appreciated. Apart from that, her upcoming line-up consists of interesting films like SRI and a few un-announced ones.
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Also Read: Kiara Advani left us spellbound in her opulent golden lehenga at Manish Malhotra’s Diwali party
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