Hindi Medium has been on a roll ever since its release within the Chinese market. Directed by Saket Chaudhary starring Irrfan Khan and Saba Qamar the business of the film at the China box office has quite literally been setting performance benchmarks. Though unlike the previous releases in this market viz. Dangal, Secret Superstar and Bajrangi Bhaijaan the box office collections of Hindi Medium have not really been quite record breaking. But one of the major differences between this film and the others is that while the previous releases featured big names like Aamir Khan and Salman Khan, Hindi Medium features comparatively smaller names.
However, despite this the film has been raking in the moolah at the China box office. Now on its 12th day within the Chinese market the collections of Hindi Medium that had begun to see a dip on weekday witnessed a spurt of growth with USD 1.17 million [Rs. 7.65 cr] more coming in. With this the total collections of Hindi Medium at the China box office are pegged at a massive USD 29.40 million [Rs. 192.26 cr].
While the current collections of the film at the China box office are legendary as they are, the fact that the film still continues to draw in audience in China states that the overall collections of Hindi Medium will be much higher. In fact, the film which still retains the fourth position on the daily highest grossers list is expected to cross the Rs. 200 cr mark at the China box office in the coming days.
Hindi Medium China Box Office at a glance
Day 1 – USD 3.39 million [Rs. 22.05 cr] with 6,79,096 admissions
Day 2 – USD 6.28 million [Rs. 40.81 cr] with 12,77,590 admissions
Day 3 – USD 6.04 million [Rs. 39.21 cr] with 12,62,292 admissions
Day 4 – USD 3.82 million [Rs. 24.79 cr] with 7,95,450 admissions
Day 5 – USD 1.74 million [Rs. 11.29 cr] with 3,66,513 admissions
Day 6 – USD 1.29 million [Rs. 8.39 cr] with 2,71,539 admissions
Day 7 – USD 1.23 million [Rs. 8.04 cr] with 2,49,577 admissions
Day 8 – USD 1.16 million [Rs.7.57 cr] with 2,34,434 admissions
Day 9 – USD 1.08 million [Rs. 7.04 cr] with 2,23,379 admissions
Day 10 – USD 0.62 million [Rs. 4.04 cr] with 1,25,184 admissions
Day 11 – USD 1.41 million [Rs. 9.19 cr] with 2,89,998 admissions
Day 12 – USD 1.17 million [Rs. 7.65 cr] with 2,43,750 admissions
Total – USD 29.40 million [Rs. 192.26 cr]