Just 30 days before the film's release, Prashanth Neel and Hombale Films announced that their action-packed thriller, Salaar, starring Prabhas, will not release on September 28 due to VFX issues. The announcement sent shock waves in the industry as the release was delayed after the commencement of advance bookings in some territories. And just days after the news of postponement broke out in the media, Bollywood Hungama has got its hands on some scoop.
SCOOP: Prashanth Neel decides to reshoot Salaar climax; Prabhas film delayed furtherAccording to sources close to the development, Prashanth Neel and co. have silently reunited to reshoot some portions of Salaar, which includes high points of the film's climax. "The idea is to better the product for the biggest cinematic experience. Prashanth Neel wants to outdo his previous work and when he watched the film in one go recently, he felt there was still a lot of scope of improvement. Prashanth is a taskmaster. He got support from his producers, who took the risk of delaying the film and increasing the budget to creatively satisfy the director," revealed a very close source.
The reshoot aspect has been taken positively by all the stakeholders. "Given the money at which film is bought across the market, it's always good to come up with a polished and complete product. When there is scope for improvement, it's always nice to improve. The idea of this short reshoot is to enhance the cinematic experience for the viewers," the source further told us.
That's not all, as according to the source, VFX is also a reason for the delay in Salaar. "Approx. 600 vfx shots are yet to be received by the team of Salaar, and to date, that's pending. Basically, the delay has come for multiple reasons, which include delay in VFX output and some reshoots in the climax," the source shared with us.
A new release date of Salaar will be announced once the VFX shots are received and Prashanth Neel stitches the reshot portions in the final edit.
More Pages: Salaar Box Office Collection , Salaar Movie Review
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