Bollywood actor Ashwath Bhatt, known for his roles in films like Raazi and IB71, has revealed a harrowing experience during his recent trip to Istanbul, Turkey. The actor was assaulted by a robber while exploring the popular tourist destination, Galata Tower.
Raazi actor Ashwath Bhatt assaulted in Istanbul: “People watch films and think Turkey is all romantic, but…”Ashwath Bhatt Speaks On Being Assaulted in Turkey
In a detailed account shared with ETimes, Ashwath described the terrifying incident. He explained, "I was walking towards Galata Tower when a man approached me. He had a chain in his hand, and before I could fully comprehend what was happening, he hit me on the back with it. In retrospect, it was likely a gang working in tandem, trying to snatch my bag... for a second, I was so shocked - what’s happening?"
Despite the shock of the attack, Ashwath managed to resist the robber's attempt to snatch his bag. A passing cab driver intervened, scaring the assailant away. However, the actor sustained injuries during the struggle.
Ashwath Bhatt Files Complaint
Ashwath emphasized the importance of reporting such incidents, urging tourists to not be discouraged by the fear of inconvenience. He said, "It’s unfortunate that such a thing happened, especially in such a touristy area. People watch films and think Turkey is all romantic, but if we don’t report crime, these incidents will only increase. Everybody warned me about pickpockets, but this was beyond anything I had imagined." The actor has filed a complaint with the local authorities and is currently recovering from the ordeal.
For the unversed, Ashwath has been seen in a bunch of popular films, including Mission Majnu, Sita Ramam, Raaz Reboot, Rakkhosh, Phantom, Kesari, and Haider.
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