Veteran actor and director Sachin Pilgaonkar is set to delight fans with the much-awaited sequel to his hit Marathi film, Navra Maaza Navsaacha. The iconic comedy, which captured the hearts of audiences in 2004, is making a comeback with a new installment.
Navra Maaza Navsaacha 2 is confirmed! Sachin Pilgaonkar officially announces sequel after 20 yearsPilgaonkar expressed his excitement about the project, stating that the overwhelming love for the original film motivated the team to create a sequel. The film will reunite the original cast, including Sachin and his wife Supriya Pilgaonkar, along with the beloved character actor Ashok Saraf.
The statement by his PR team read, “Navra Maaza Navsaacha holds a special place in my heart, and to see the overwhelming love and anticipation from our fans has been incredibly humbling. We have poured our hearts into the sequel, and I am confident that this family entertainer will also be loved by our loyal audience, who have always been so supportive of me and my films.”
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Joining the star-studded cast are Swapnil Joshi, Hemal Ingle, and Siddharth Jadhav, promising a fresh dose of laughter and entertainment. The film is scheduled to hit theaters on September 20.
Also Read: Sachin Pilgaonkar pays heartfelt tribute to childhood friend and late actor Jr Mehmood; see pic
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