After Kareena Kapoor Khan unveiled her look of a single mother, who looks terrified and trying to protect her daughter, the next avatar unveiled by the makers is that of Jaideep Ahlawat. This newly unveiled poster of Jaane Jaan showcases an astounding makeover of the actor where he is seen sporting a completely different avatar, which is that of a menacing, partially bald man. It also seems that Ahlawat underwent a remarkable weight loss to achieve his look in the movie.
Jaane Jaan: Jaideep Ahlawat stuns audiences with his dramatic transformation in this First LookSpeaking of Jaideep Ahlawat's physical transformation for this thriller, let us tell you that the actor actually underwent remarkable physical transformations for both of his upcoming ventures, namely, Paatal Lok 2 and the Netflix film Jaane Jaan. For Paatal Lok 2, he underwent a significant weight gain to reprise his role as Hathi Ram Chaudhary, collaborating closely with experts for a healthy transformation. Now, in Jaane Jaan, he has shed those pounds for a crucial character of a socially awkward genius. Fans are eagerly awaiting both projects to witness Ahlawat's versatility on screen.
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Earlier this week, the makers of the movie unveiled the title of the movie as Jaane Jaan which is inspired by an iconic song sung by Lata Mangeshkar of the same name from the 1969 film Intaqam, picturized on Helen. The song is written by Rajinder Krishan whereas it was composed by Laxmikant Pyarelal.
The Netflix movie Jaane Jaan is expected to feature him in a never-before-seen avatar of a genius mathematician. For the unversed, the upcoming thriller is an adaptation of the Japanese novel Devotion of Suspect X written by Higashino Keig and the movie is directed by Sujoy Ghosh. Along with Kareena Kapoor Khan, the film also stars Vijay Varma who is expected to essay the role of a cop.
More Pages: Jaane Jaan Box Office Collection , Jaane Jaan Movie Review
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