Hamara Tiranga Movie
Hamara Tiranga aims to evoke strong patriotism by presenting the pre Independence era and the British atrocities, albeit in a novel way. Revolving around the story of a village, the film tells a story of how youngsters in these villages get trapped in a British conspiracy whilst looking for jobs...
The villagers take up a revolt against the British when ten dead bodies of youngsters from their area arrive wrapped in a British flag. As a fight ensues between them, the British decide to teach a lesson to them in the meanest way by burning down their shelters and making them kiss their flag. The revolting villagers are presented amidst British authorities who ask them to run on a count of 1 and 5 and they have to reach the flag and kiss it. But if they win they are let go off but if they fail they are shot to death.
While the villagers try to deal with the loss of their friends and loved ones, a well-educated guy named Arjun arrives. Considering his literacy, the smart Arjun devises interesting plans to teach the Britishers a lesson.
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