Fire Of Love: RED Movie


Avanti Prajakta Arts’ Fire Of Love – Red (UA) is a thriller which revolves around a super-successful novelist Rajveer played by Krushna Abhishek. Rajveer is a recluse and leads an intensely private life. He gives two persons — Jaggu (Abhijit Shwetchandra) and Rani (Kanchan Bhor) — shelter in his farm...

One day, Rajveer reveals his past to Rani wherein he opens up about the suicide of his wife, Poonam (Payal Ghosh). However, soon it is revealed that he is not telling the truth and the reality is completely different. Poonam had actually deserted Rajveer when he was a struggling writer and had become an escort. On the other hand, Rajveer becomes successful by writing novels filled with sex, violence, illicit relationships and crimes. However, he continues his search for Poonam and eventually discovers her as a call girl. Angered and upset over her betrayal, he invites her home and ends up murdering her. Afraid that he will be caught for the crime, he makes it look like a suicide with the help of the person who had initiated her into the flesh trade.

But Rajveer soon realizes that killing has become a passion for him and continues the spree. He finds his target in Rani. With the help of Dr. Chaturvedi, who trades organs of his murdered victims, he plans the murder of his next target but will he able to execute it?

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Fire Of Love Red – Official Trailer | Krushna Abhishek, Payal Ghosh & Kamlesh Sawant

Avanti Prajakta Arts Fire of Love RED is a musical psychothriller narrating the story of a famous…
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Fire of Love: RED

Fire of Love: RED poster
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EXCLUSIVE: “Krushna Abhishek is an angry young man in Fire Of Love: Red,” says producer Rajeev Chaudhari

Krushna Abhishek’s upcoming film is uniquely titled Fire Of Love: Red, which is directed by Ashok…
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