Dirty Boss Movie


Kukku Films' Dirty Boss is a story of a filthy rich businessman who enters Bollywood in order to have a 'gala time' with a heroine. While the rich man is played by Bhundi (Raju Kher) who launches himself as a hero in a film, the film's lead is played by...

As luck would have it, Bhundi's proximity to Diana makes his wife Satti (Kalyani Thakkar) extremely insecure. So much so that, she even contemplates of divorcing her rich husband, but... suddenly develops cold feet and becomes ready to compromise with Diana stating that she can get married to her husband Bhundi.

Does Diana land up marrying Bhundi, what was the reason as to Satti developed cold feet and what was the reason as to why she became ready to allow Diana marry her husband Bhundi is what forms the rest of the film.

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